Update: You can now check out our backsprite-like gifs on this page.
Update (12/12/2014): We have started working on the gifs for the new megas. They should become available this weekend.
Update (13/12/2014): You can now check the OR/AS gifs on this page.
Update (23/11/2016): You can now check the Su/Mo gifs on this page.
Update (19/12/2019): You can now check the Sw/Sh gifs on this page.

Hello! This sprites section is still in progress. Many of them are watermarked because somebody started taking them from this page without giving any credit. These animations are captured from the screen, not ripped from the rom! :(
(Yep, they are actually models, not sprites, but whatever).
We also have some inbatte animations, like these from our supreme lord and saviour Goomy (but we are first going to do the normal ones): Update: we can also get mega-gifs:

You can also check some shiny sprites on this page.

Gifs más recientes / Most recent gifs ( left, so 718 Pokémon ripped so far):
Volcanion Mon, 8th Sep 2014, 02:56
Hoopa Mon, 8th Sep 2014, 02:56
Vivillon-fancy Mon, 7th Jul 2014, 01:27
Pumpkaboo-super Mon, 9th Jun 2014, 03:46
Gourgeist-super Mon, 9th Jun 2014, 03:46
Gourgeist-large Mon, 9th Jun 2014, 03:46
Vivillon-pokeball Sat, 31st May 2014, 19:53
Shellos-east Thu, 22nd May 2014, 17:20
Gastrodon-east Thu, 22nd May 2014, 17:20
Toxicroak-f Wed, 21st May 2014, 23:10
Starly-f Wed, 21st May 2014, 23:10
Rattata-f Wed, 21st May 2014, 23:10
Note: Some of the newer sprites from below are watermarked, like this one from Hitmontop:

just kidding: they are all clear
Index/Índice (click the page you'd like to see):
abomasnow-f.gif to arceus.gif
archen.gif to beldum.gif
bellossom.gif to bunnelby.gif
burmy-sandy.gif to cherrim-sunshine.gif
cherrim.gif to cranidos.gif
crawdaunt.gif to dewott.gif
dialga.gif to duskull.gif
dustox-f.gif to ferroseed.gif
ferrothorn.gif to frillish-f.gif
frillish.gif to giratina.gif
glaceon.gif to greninja.gif
grimer.gif to hitmonchan.gif
hitmonlee.gif to jumpluff.gif
jynx.gif to kyurem-white.gif
kyurem.gif to lopunny.gif
lotad.gif to malamar.gif
mamoswine-f.gif to mesprit.gif
metagross.gif to natu.gif
nidoking.gif to pangoro.gif
panpour.gif to politoed.gif
poliwag.gif to ralts.gif
rampardos.gif to rotom-frost.gif
rotom-heat.gif to sealeo.gif
seedot.gif to simisear.gif
skarmory.gif to spheal.gif
spinarak.gif to swalot.gif
swampert.gif to tornadus-therian.gif
tornadus.gif to unown-golf.gif
unown-hotel.gif to venomoth.gif
venonat.gif to vivillon-savannah.gif
vivillon-sun.gif to wooper.gif
wormadam-sandy.gif to zygarde.gif

just kidding: they are all clear
Index/Índice (click the page you'd like to see):